We encourage you to come in and discuss your counselling needs with your doctor so we can help you find the right counsellor or therapist.
BC Psychologists Association website
Counselling BC website lists many of the counsellors in the lower mainland
BC Association of Clinical Counsellors website
Changeways Clinic is a psychologist-owned counselling and psychotherapy service in Vancouver Canada. They offer cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and related approaches, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBSR).
For parenting support see here
About the Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre:
The Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre is a provincial resource centre that provides mental health and substance use information, resources, and peer support to children, youth and their families from across BC. They provide peer support to people of all ages with eating disorders. All services are free of charge, and they can be reached by phone, in person, or through email.