We ask that you please read and review our clinic policies to prevent any misunderstandings.  Please contact us anytime should you have any questions.  Thank you.

Appointments can be made online here or by calling: 604 731-0091. Please note our phone lines are very busy so we recommend booking online if you can. You will receive an email reminder about your appointments booked online.

It is helpful to the smooth running of the office to let the receptionist know the nature of your problem, so that she can schedule the appropriate amount of time for you. A routine office visit is scheduled to last 10-15 minutes. A complete physical examination is booked for 20- 30 minutes. We are able to deal with 1 or 2 problems thoroughly at each office visit. More problems may require another appointment. At the beginning of your visit, please let the doctor know how many concerns you hope to address  and we will do our best to accommodate you as the time allows.

We encourage you to make appointments in advance. However, because health problems can arise quickly, you can usually make an appointment and be seen on the same day for urgent problems. If your own doctor does not happen to be in the office, you may be seen by someone else.

The telephone lines are busiest in the mornings, especially Monday morning. For faster service, phone in the afternoon for non-urgent problems.

We require 24 hours notice of cancellation for appointments. ( 1 business day) The fees for a missed appointments or appointments cancelled at short notice are: regular appointments (15 min) $25, and long appointment (physicals, counselling etc.) $50. Patients who repeatedly miss appointments will be discharged from the practice. Patients who wish to cancel a Monday appointment are required to let the office know before we close on Saturday allowing us to fill the appointment time with another patient.

Patients are now able to cancel their appointments by email by sending in cancellation to baydoc@telus.net. Note: in the email please include patient name, date and time of appointment and doctor with whom patient is booked. Please put “Appointment cancellation” as subject line. The same rules regarding charges for less than 24 hours of notice apply to email cancellations. For cancellation of Monday appointments we require notice by closing (2 pm) on Saturday so that we have the opportunity to book other patients.

In the past 15-20 years we have seen major changes in family practice. When we started practising, most patients in Canada had a family physician. People generally saw their own physician for most medical problems-big and small. With the tremendous growth of walk in clinics we have seen a significant change in the way patients access care in our community. We sometimes hear from patients that they go to walk in clinics for their “quick” items, but attend our office for complicated problems, lists of problems, when they are in distress, or when they need physical exams, PAP tests and ongoing care.

This does not work for two reasons:

  1. Lack of continuity of care
  2. The payment system is not set up to differentiate between simple and complicated care

Continuity of care is extremely important and cost efficient. Because we know our patients well and are familiar with their past and family medical histories, we often have much more insight into the likely causes of a symptom than a physician who is just meeting you for the first time. Seeing different physicians leads to the duplication of tests and wastes precious health care dollars.

In an effort to provide continuity of care, family doctors have traditionally provided many services for which they are not paid. These free services are rarely provided by physicians in a walk in clinic setting. These include:

  1. Keeping track of all your ongoing health issues: As your family doctor we feel responsible to keep up to date on your health concerns. If you are seen in emergency, by a specialist or another doctor at our clinic, we make a point of keeping track of this and following up on ongoing concerns. The family doctor has the central role in ensuring that information from any of your interactions with the health care system (specialists, hospital visits, pharmacists, etc.) is communicated to you and to other practitioners who need to know this information. We often know 2 or 3 generations of a family which provides us with a rich context in which to understand our patients’ concerns.
  2. Maintaining and storing your medical chart –we collect reports from all other practitioners you see, tests that are done and your previous physicians. We are responsible to review and act on the information that is sent to us and to store it for at least 16 years after you leave the practice.
  3. Organizing your preventive health care-this includes keeping track of all the recommended preventive health interventions including PAPs, mammograms, colon cancer screening, immunization and cholesterol and diabetes testing. We give you reminder calls when you are overdue for a test.
  4.  Maintaining a comprehensive medical history-when you join the practice we often spend considerable time documenting your medical and family history. We may spend even more time reading through all charts from previous doctors –sometimes these are 2-3 inches thick! We maintain detailed patient summaries in your chart and keep this up to date.
  5. Providing emergency care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year –the six of us share the responsibility of being available at any time for urgent problems. Although the government has funded nurse line and on-call pay for specialists, we do not get paid for being on call!
  6. Participating in out of office care: all of our doctors see patients in hospitals, at home and in nursing homes.
  7. Completion of forms: the volume of forms to be completed has increased exponentially in the last decade.
  8.  Dealing with your medical questions by phone: in a family practice we field dozens of phone calls each day with medical questions. We either answer the calls ourselves or provide an answer to your question to our staff, who then pass the information on to you. We will ask you to come into the office if we feel that we need to see you to answer the question.

Family doctors and walk in clinic physicians are paid the same fee per visit regardless of how many problems are addressed in the visit or how much time you spend with the physician. What has happened is that the complexity of care provided in each visit to a family physician has increased considerably, while walk in clinic physicians see a series of patients with less complex problems and earn considerably higher income. Walk-in clinic physicians are asking the government to cancel  the policy preventing them from getting paid for seeing more than 65 patients a day. At Bayswater Family Practice we are rarely able to see more than 25 patients even on the busiest days because of the complexity of the problems we are dealing with during a typical office visit.  As a result of this vast differential of pay for the same number of hours of work, there has been a mass exodus of family doctors providing full service care and huge growth in the number of walk in clinics. Many patients now find themselves without a family physician at all. When full service family doctors retire, they are usually unable to find someone to replace them. We liken the situation to what happens to your neighbour corner store when Walmart comes to town.

We recognize that there are times when people feel that a walk in clinic provides the convenience of being seen for routine care on a weekend or “right next to their office”. However, this pattern of selectively visiting walk in clinics when it is convenient has made traditional family practice virtually unsustainable in an urban setting. We ask that our patients make a choice. For those individuals where the convenience of walk in clinic care outweighs the benefits of continuity of care provided in our traditional family practice-we ask that you transfer all of your care to the walk in clinic, so that we can give your space in our practice to one of the many patients on our waiting list.

The Doctors of Bayswater Family Practice

Please note that the physicians can make telehealth calls to Canadian phone numbers only. If you submit an out-of-country number you will be billed for any long distance charges and a $25 service fee. Please let our staff know in advance of the visit if you have an out-of-country number so that a video or in person visit can be arranged instead. Also patients who are currently non-residents of Canada need to complete some extra paperwork prior to their visit-please identify yourself to our staff.

At Bayswater Family Practice we expect respectful and kind treatment of our front desk reception staff at all times. Our medical office assistants work hard in a fast paced environment and do their best to meet each patient’s needs. We understand that at times when patients call our office they are stressed and worried. If at any time you do not feel your concerns are being adequately addressed, you can politely asked the staff to communicate this to your physician and we will work as a team to resolve the issue. At no time is it acceptable to be aggressive or rude towards our staff. We have a zero tolerance policy for verbal or physical abuse towards any of our staff members. Anyone using foul language, or being physically or verbally abusive towards our staff will be discharged from the practice immediately.

Help us to create a safe environment for all.

Telephone Prescription Renewal Policy: Our physicians will usually write prescriptions to last until the next recommended time for a check in either by phone or in person. If there are no further repeats on your prescription it is likely because the physician would like to check in with you to see if any adjustments need to be made to your medication. Even for medications that you take for long periods, such as blood pressure or thyroid pills, regular check-ins are needed to monitor lab tests, to ensure that the medications are having the desired effect and not causing side effects or interacting with other medication. Please book a phone or in person visit for medication renewals.

Occasionally patients require a renewal at a time when they cannot schedule an appointment. For your convenience, the doctors at Bayswater Family Practice can sometimes renew your prescriptions by telephone to last until you can arrange a visit, when it is medically appropriate to do so. The fee for this service is $36.10 and must be paid in advance. Please allow 24 hours for your prescription to be filled. If the physician feels that a medical assessment is necessary, you may be asked to come in or you may be able to discuss your medication renewal in a teleheath/video visit.

For patients renewing blood pressure medication through teleconferencing we recommend that you get a home blood pressure machine. You an email a copy of your blood pressure readings into the office in advance of your appointment.


fee in effect until April1 2025

You will be notified immediately of any significant abnormal test results. Normal results will be discussed at subsequent office visits. If you are particularly concerned about a pending test result, you are welcome to call the office to check if your test result has arrived. PAP tests can take up to 6 weeks for results to be available. Most bloodwork results are available between 1-14 days after the sample is drawn. Maternal serum triple screening and amniocentesis results can take 2-3 weeks. Xray results are usually available within 1-2 days.

Although most problems can be handled by your family doctor, sometimes a referral to a medical specialist is required. We will arrange the appointment for you and call you back with the time and date. If the date is not satisfactory you may phone the specialist’s office yourself to change it. Referrals to specialists, physiotherapists, massage therapists or podiatrists are made following an assessment here in the office by your doctor.

BC’s doctors are asking employers to not require sick notes during the COVID-19 outbreak, building on statements from both the Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix that there is “no need – none – for sick notes at this time.”

“Sick notes place an unnecessary burden on the health care system, at a time when our priority is to use existing resources to help patients in need,” said Doctors of BC President Dr Kathleen Ross. “When patients come into the office to get sick notes, they are putting physicians, their staff and other patients at risk.”

CB Family Doctors have developed a sick note that you can download and take to your employer-here

We would like inform you that the Medical Services Plan does not pay for all medical services. The following charges will apply:
(Effective until April 1 2025)

Missed appointments (or late cancellation with <24 hours notice)



$50 (long appt)

Short time-loss notes or sick notes (1 page) $30.00
Written certificate including time loss benefit form $50.90
Prescription renewals by telephone $36.10
Insurance and disability forms $180 and up
Notes for insurance companies for massage, orthotics, physiotherapy etc. $30.00
Driver examination form (and driver’s medical exam) $111.00 -$248
Transfer of medical records (plus copying) $43.25 and up
Physical fitness exams for camp, school etc. $89.40
Removal of cosmetic moles or cysts under local anaesthetic (incl tray fee) $261.70
Liquid nitrogen treatment (incl. tray fee) $110.35
Photocopying (first 10 pages) $2.00 per page
Photocopying (after first 10 pages)  $0.30 per page
 Skin tag removals $85.00