The Screening Mammography Program provides free screening mammograms for eligible BC women age 40 and up. While no referral is required, we recommend women between the ages of 40-49 and 75+ come in the the office to discuss the benefits and limitations of screening mammography with their doctors. A referral is required for women under age 40 who are at high risk of developing breast cancer. The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care offers excellent decision making tools. How to book your mammogram:
  • There are mammogram clinics in every community. You can check the locations on their website:
  • You can book online through the website or by calling your local screening centre directly
Please note it is not uncommon for women to be recalled for a second mammogram or an ultrasound following the initial screening test. Please call us if you are concerned about your results. Information about breast density has been added to the BC Cancer Breast Screening website including a short animated educational video explaining the risks associated with breast density and what women can do if they have higher breast density. Research is ongoing to evaluate the role of ultrasound as a supplemental test for women with more dense breasts.