We have changed our email address to: bayswatermd@protonmail.com Please use this address for any future communication with our office.
Radon is a colourless, odourless and radioactive gas and the second-largest contributor to lung cancer worldwide. A new report suggests that Canadians’ exposure to a radioactive gas is increasing, putting millions of people at a higher risk of developing lung cancer. The data from the University of Calgary’s 2024 Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Exposure shows […]
Here are some suggestions regarding what to do with unused medication: Don’t take outdated medications, their effectiveness can’t be assured. Don’t flush medications down the toilet or put them in the garbage, they could end up in the water system. Return what you don’t use, ideally to the pharmacy where they were dispensed, otherwise to […]
We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Gaurav Nakhwal to the team at Bayswater Family Practice. Dr. Nakhwal recently moved to Vancouver from the United States where he completed his training. He will be building a practice and may be able to accept some new patients in the coming months. If you or someone you […]
The province has introduced a new program for cervical cancer screening and will be phasing out the PAP test in favour of HPV screening. Anyone with a cervix, including women and TTGD (Two-Spirit, transgender and gender diverse) people, between the ages of 25 and 69, should screen for cervical cancer every three or five years. […]
Our Family Practice Resident Dr. Jillian Howden has recently completed her training- congratulations Jillian. We hope you will still see her regularly at the office when she fills in for other doctors who are away. Welcome to Dr. Lauren Caters-our new Family Practice resident who will be working with the Bayswater team for the next […]
GetCheckedOnline is an online service that offers testing for sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections. Those who use the service can visit the website to sign up, create lab forms and get results. Collection of samples (urine, blood, swabs) is done at participating LifeLabs. You can also book an appointment with your physician to get tested […]
The team at Bayswater Family Practice would like to welcome 2 new physicians to our group. Drs. Catherine Quinn and Zaffer Sultani have recently arrived from the UK and will be assuming the care of the patients of Colleen Kirkham and Steve Kurdyak. Patients in these practices should have already received a letter explaining the […]
New app from Foundry BC provides virtual wellness resources for youth The Foundry BC app, which is powered by BC Children’s Hospital, provides assistance and services to people aged 12-24 in British Columbia. The app includes services such as drop-in and scheduled counselling and peer support. All services on the app are free, and do […]
For the first time ever, the province is offering free flu vaccines to everyone. We encourage all of our patients to take advantage of this and get vaccinated. You can book for your flu vaccine online. Flu vaccine clinics have been very fast and efficient. For more information on influenza immunization check here