Province Launches a COVID-19 Dashboard: The dashboard provides the latest data on COVID-19 cases in British Columbia. Information is provided on total number of cases, hospitalizations, deaths, testing information and other covid 19 statistics for British Columbia.
Health Canada in partnership with Thrive Health has created the Canada COVID-19 app. This app is a central resource for accessing personalized, trusted, evidence-based information about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our own Dr. Roberta Pauls has volunteered with Health for Humanity for many years.Stories of humanity have never quite felt as important as they do at the present time. Today marks the one year anniversary of a short impromptu mission to Antigua during the Easter week of 2019. Please take a minute on this Sunday morning to watch the premiere […]
We find the briefings from Dr. Bonnie Henry,Medical Officer of Health for BC and Health Minister Dix, one of the best ways to get up to date, reliable information regarding the Covid 19 pandemic. For the coming week, their briefing will be on Monday March 30 at 1:30 pm and then Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and […]
Although all British Columbians are hopeful a cure or treatment can be found quickly, it is critical to note that at this time, a proven treatment for COVID-19 does not exist. These treatment claims may include, but are not limited to, the following drugs: hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, azithromycin, lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra), and colchicine. In a recently posted […]
We are now on Facebook and Twitter and will use these social media platforms for the doctors to post important, evidence-based health information and notices from the practice.
Any patient who comes into the office with fever, cough, shortness of breath or other cold and flu symptoms without first disclosing this to the staff by phone will be asked to leave the practice permanently. Purposefully not disclosing symptoms so that you can see your doctor face to face puts our staff, all the […]
The best source of up-to-date information on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in British Columbia is the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). This document provides answers to additional questions from patients with chronic conditions. If you are concerned about your symptoms, please see the ONLINE COVID19 SELF ASSESSMENT TOOL. Please note that emerging reports indicate you […]
Drs. Steve Kurdyak and Colleen Kirkham are piloting some video visits today. You will need to book an appointment for these video visits with our staff. If you are invited to participate in the pilot today you can use the following links: For Dr. Kirkham use this link: For Dr. Kurdyak use this link: […]
Information about breast density has been added to the BC Cancer Breast Screening website including a short animated educational video explaining the risks associated with breast density and what women can do if they have higher breast density. Research is ongoing to evaluate the role of ultrasound as a supplemental test for women with more […]